Bud Light boycott

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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
The only way for bud light to fix this is to pick some random redneck (probably an Alabama fan) that looks like Larry the cable guy and put him on a can of bud light.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
What is being shoved down anyone's throat? That is a really dramatic view and it also seems wildly inaccurate.

A company that advertises across many platforms decided to try and reach a targeted audience in an effort to grow their brand. It clearly didnt work out, because a bunch of people who are quickly triggered were unsurprisingly triggered, but that doesnt change what happened- its just a company trying to grow their brand.

No issue was shoved down your throat. I assume you dont subscribe to this girl's channel/account/feed so you had no idea the advertisement even took place until some outrage media picked up on it and reported it in order to generate revenue of its own thru controversy.
Seriously, this doesnt impact you at all- Bud Light wasnt trying to normalize trans life, Bud Light wasnt grooming, and Bud Light wasnt doing any of the other absurd claims that outrage media has put forth. They wanted to try and sell a product and thought this would be one of many ways to do so.

There is no shoving down throats and you cant honestly claim there is. Saying it is is just one more wild accusation that isnt based in reality.
Like hell we can't. This isn't an isolated incident. This is coming from the same crowd that have built an organization to 'cancel' anyone who dares disagree with them or even does not openly endorse their positions. This is the same crowd that think it is fair for men who still have the bodies and strength advantage of men but dress like women to women, to compete with real women and insist that everybody share that opinion. Enough is enough. You wokesters patronize the businesses you want and I will do the same.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Trans is the breaking point. The pendulum has swung too far. The pain (for some) will be when the inevitable swing back the other way is in full motion.

Trans people will be generally accepted in about 25 years— by that time many of us who post in this message board will be dead.

And it’ll be this way largely because the Trans folks are making the libertarian argument that a lot of people here like to make and that’s going to irritate the so-called “libertarians” who are just interested in power and make them seem to be anti-freedom.

(Edit to add: I had written something much longer— mostly in response to the “breaking point” phrase but decided it was too longwinded. Let’s just say I despise the breaking point argument due to my experiences dealing with people who aren’t accommodating to folks on the spectrum.)
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Johnnie Come Lately

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
Guys, it's silly. They never even sold the trans-cans. It's ok if you drink it. AND STOP BUYING UP ALL THE DAMN MILLER LITE!!! Restaurants and stores are running out of Miller Lite. Had to drive around to find any this weekend.
The whole ordeal is some really stupid ****. Why would anyone get their knickers in knot over something so trivial?

The most amazing thing about it to me is this - InBev / Anheuser-Bush did what nobody thought was remotely possible - they got a bunch Southern Baptist to publicly profess a preference in beer.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
"Just from my own experience, the "Left" isn't trying to ram anything down anyone's throats. They're just asking for all people, including trans, gay, *****, black, brown, etc..., to be treated with dignity and respect. If you can't treat a trans person with dignity and respect, it says more about you and your lifestyle than it says about the trans person and their lifestyle."

There are some on the left, especially trans activists, who are going way beyond the "we just want to be respected" phase. They want complete acceptance of all their demands otherwise you just support trans genocide or something. They also want kids to have their genitals and breasts sliced off, something euphemistically called gender affirming care (a marketing genius came up with that lie). One can respect the rights of trans people to enjoy their lives without, for instance, thinking they are as female as my wife and daughters or that they should be allowed to compete in sports against girls and women. Most teens detransition. There appears to be a social dimension to this, a social contagion perhaps, where confused teens are encouraged to think they're trans rather than gay or lesbian. I'm all for acceptance of people who are different than me and for Drag Queens to entertain adults. But the left needs to acknowledge that activists are causing some of these issues.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
So does this mean tv shows with straight white people are shoving straight whiteness down our throats?
So being a white heterosexual is a form of "straight whiteness?" That's got to be the dumbest comment in this thread. Look at all those Africans who for centuries embraced straight whiteness and long before they ever saw a white person. Straight whiteness is amazing.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
And people are pushing to murder anyone to the left of center. What's your point?
This is you saying something stupid because of your curated leftish media bubble. There are nuts all over the spectrum but there has been basically nothing come of rightish/conservative bombast. What attempted or successful political violence has there been on the right? Where is the example of the people on the right trying to physically intimidate leftist supreme court justices? The example of the planned assassination attempt of a sitting leftist justice? The rightish equivalent of James Hodkinson (who most people can't even name, which is another issue)? As much as people on the left like to pretend the Proud Boys or whoever are some great threat, when is the last time they committed tens of millions of dollars of damage rioting and committing arson?

In contrast, there are drag shows being targeted to kids, drag queen story hours at libraries, sexually explicit material made available to elementary school children, boys using girls bathrooms (sometimes with disastrous and tragic results like in Louden Va), etc. Those things are actually happening and should not be.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Like hell we can't. This isn't an isolated incident. This is coming from the same crowd that have built an organization to 'cancel' anyone who dares disagree with them or even does not openly endorse their positions. This is the same crowd that think it is fair for men who still have the bodies and strength advantage of men but dress like women to women, to compete with real women and insist that everybody share that opinion. Enough is enough. You wokesters patronize the businesses you want and I will do the same.
The cancel culture crowd holds many political and cultural beliefs. The common denominator is their sandy ****** and belief that everyone should cater to only them.


Aug 22, 2012
Am I? This is me responding to comments about an ad that was released on social media almost 1 month ago.

Is it a thing to be triggered over someone that is triggered? Thats new to me, if so. I cant keep up on all the terms and how they apply though. It seems many just use a term and make it mean what they want in the moment, even when it hasnt meant that up to then.
You can accuse someone of being triggered so why can’t I?
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Active member
Oct 29, 2009
While we are on this topic, I would like to address why corporate companies are woke these days. I will give you one word: MONEY

I have worked for two different giant global companies for the last 22 years.....one of our folks on the inside from a corporate hq in Washington, DC explained it to a few of use a couple of years ago.

[You see, every business in the world wants to do business with the US govt....everyone. They pay the bills, they pay on time, they pay a fair price, and ask no questions. The US govt buys everything from baby formula to fertilizer to beer. In order to sell the the US govt, you have to be on a govt contract, and how high you are on their pecking order depends on your score given to you. It's a basically a social credit score in order to get the business. How woke can you be? Companies have to show how woke they are....

In the end, companies like AB or any company for that matter don't give two ***** about the gays, trannys, religion, etc.....but they do it for the money]

Rupert Jenkins

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2017
If you believe a man can become a woman or pick your own gender you are ignorant. Men can not get pregnant. I can dig up a skeleton from 300 years ago and tell you if it was male or female by a visual inspection. DNA is not required. A man might be gay but he will never be a woman. Period

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
So I posted on the thread earlier then had some Devil stuff to deal with only to come back and see the thread has devolved into a fight between trans supporters and trans haters. Color me shocked. I say again locking this would be a wonderful idea.
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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
If you believe a man can become a woman or pick your own gender you are ignorant. Men can not get pregnant. I can dig up a skeleton from 300 years ago and tell you if it was male or female by a visual inspection. DNA is not required. A man might be gay but he will never be a woman. Period
preach GIF

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
So I posted on the thread earlier then had some Devil stuff to deal with only to come back and see the thread has devolved into a fight between trans supports and trans haters. Color me shocked. I say again locking this would be a wonderful idea.
On the other hand, you’ve made inroads to the Baptists…

The most amazing thing about it to me is this - InBev / Anheuser-Bush did what nobody thought was remotely possible - they got a bunch Southern Baptist to publicly profess a preference in beer.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
If you believe a man can become a woman or pick your own gender you are ignorant. Men can not get pregnant. I can dig up a skeleton from 300 years ago and tell you if it was male or female by a visual inspection. DNA is not required. A man might be gay but he will never be a woman. Period
What you mean this wasn’t a documentary? **



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
So I posted on the thread earlier then had some Devil stuff to deal with only to come back and see the thread has devolved into a fight between trans supports and trans haters. Color me shocked. I say again locking this would be a wonderful idea.
Or you could simply not read it? Especially now that we don't have threaded view (RIP).

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Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
On the other hand, you’ve made inroads to the Baptists…
Not my intention for the record. Also for the record, and just my opinion, all light beer sucks and from what I can see DM is a horrible person not to make any judgements on his or her right to transition.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
This is you saying something stupid because of your curated leftish media bubble. There are nuts all over the spectrum but there has been basically nothing come of rightish/conservative bombast. What attempted or successful political violence has there been on the right? Where is the example of the people on the right trying to physically intimidate leftist supreme court justices? The example of the planned assassination attempt of a sitting leftist justice? The rightish equivalent of James Hodkinson (who most people can't even name, which is another issue)? As much as people on the left like to pretend the Proud Boys or whoever are some great threat, when is the last time they committed tens of millions of dollars of damage rioting and committing arson?

In contrast, there are drag shows being targeted to kids, drag queen story hours at libraries, sexually explicit material made available to elementary school children, boys using girls bathrooms (sometimes with disastrous and tragic results like in Louden Va), etc. Those things are actually happening and should not be.
Dude, that's your problem, not mine. A "right wing death squad" member, his name not mine, just mowed down a crowd, for just one. Florida is enacting a vendetta against a major company because they like their stance on a political issue. And you tried a damn coup!

When is the last time? Jan 6th!

Those things are not actually happening, outside of some fringe case where even people like me would agree with you. That's not what this is about, clearly. The nuts on your side want MUCH more than just keeping kids out of drag shows. And you side with them. And here's the deciding point: who in power actually agrees with the nuts on either side?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Trans people will be generally accepted in about 25 years— by that time many of us who post in this message board will be dead.

And it’ll be this way largely because the Trans folks are making the libertarian argument that a lot of people here like to make and that’s going to irritate the so-called “libertarians” who are just interested in power and make them seem to be anti-freedom.

(Edit to add: I had written something much longer— mostly in response to the “breaking point” phrase but decided it was too longwinded. Let’s just say I despise the breaking point argument due to my experiences dealing with people who aren’t accommodating to folks on the spectrum.)
Depends on what you mean by accepted. Accepted that they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect? Certainly. I'd say we're mostly already there. Certainly there are people that are unkind, and there are probably a good bit more now than there will be in 25 years, but I'm not sure people are going to be convinced that females wanting single sex spaces for changing, showering, urinating, etc. is somehow bigoted. I don't think you'll see people convinced that females shouldn't be able to have female only sports competitions. Surely you will have plenty of organizations that allow men to compete with women, and probably more commonly boys to compete with girls, but I think for competitive sports (in which I would include high school, college sports, professional, and serious amateur sports), you will still see people that think women should be able to compete with only other women. Or in sports like racing or cycling, keep separate female only standings (i.e. Josephina, knee Joe, wins the semi-open competition, Kimberly, born Kimberly, gets second in the semi-open comp and first in women's).


Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Most teens detransition.
This is completely incorrect.

"In a review of 27 studies involving almost 8,000 teens and adults who had transgender surgeries, mostly in Europe, the U.S and Canada, 1% on average expressed regret. For some, regret was temporary, but a small number went on to have detransitioning or reversal surgeries, the 2021 review said." Source
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
So you hang around with a bunch of gay people ? Go to dinner and have family BBQ, have drag queens reading books to your kids and stuff ? Weird. I just don't run into much of that in my daily life.
Yes to 1. No typically to 2, but my kid has been around story time with the drag queens before at a children's museum (Chicago). She listened to the story and we left for other exhibits. Same as it would have been had Mr. Rogers read her a story. I suppose anyone that had an issue with it went to another of the many exhibits - as what a parent making a decision they feel best for their child should do and totally fine with me. Not my child to raise.

Thinking of possible situations a parent should genuinely fear or raise hell about. I'd say the vast majority of bogie man scenarios are easily controllable by any good parent. TV, restaurants, private BBQs...all that...very easy to control that if you are involved. I'm more concerned with social media bullying than the drag queens wanting to read to my kid. If story time with the drag queens was proposed for school I'd be a quick no on that. I acknowledge it's not for most - especially were I live. Is that happening? Not at my school district. Yours? Probably not either. If it is, I defer to the parents of kids at that district.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Like hell we can't. This isn't an isolated incident. This is coming from the same crowd that have built an organization to 'cancel' anyone who dares disagree with them or even does not openly endorse their positions. This is the same crowd that think it is fair for men who still have the bodies and strength advantage of men but dress like women to women, to compete with real women and insist that everybody share that opinion. Enough is enough. You wokesters patronize the businesses you want and I will do the same.
This is the hilarious thing. They're not "canceling" anyone they're just declaring they shouldn't be supported with their money. The exact same thing the BL haters are doing. Why are you canceling Bud Light? Is canceling ok now?
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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
This is you saying something stupid because of your curated leftish media bubble. There are nuts all over the spectrum but there has been basically nothing come of rightish/conservative bombast. What attempted or successful political violence has there been on the right? Where is the example of the people on the right trying to physically intimidate leftist supreme court justices? The example of the planned assassination attempt of a sitting leftist justice? The rightish equivalent of James Hodkinson (who most people can't even name, which is another issue)? As much as people on the left like to pretend the Proud Boys or whoever are some great threat, when is the last time they committed tens of millions of dollars of damage rioting and committing arson?

In contrast, there are drag shows being targeted to kids, drag queen story hours at libraries, sexually explicit material made available to elementary school children, boys using girls bathrooms (sometimes with disastrous and tragic results like in Louden Va), etc. Those things are actually happening and should not be.
It is laughable that you would actually think this. Just on the Proud Boys front alone, there is a literal Wikipedia page (I know, I know) documenting their violence since their founding in 2016.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Dude, that's your problem, not mine. A "right wing death squad" member, his name not mine, just mowed down a crowd, for just one.
Those infamous Hispanic gang members are infamously right wing and white supremecist.

Florida is enacting a vendetta against a major company because they like their stance on a political issue.

The major company fought for having elementary school children exposed to inappropriate sexual material and also insulted gays by implying that grooming is somehow a gay issue. And they are "enacting a vendetta" by rolling back government granted privileges not available to all companies. I think it matters if the rolling back of privileges was in response to political involvement and would not have done it.

And you tried a damn coup!

When is the last time? Jan 6th!

January 6th did not cause tens of millions of dollars of damages and exactly zero people were killed by rioters.

Those things are not actually happening, outside of some fringe case where even people like me would agree with you. That's not what this is about, clearly. The nuts on your side want MUCH more than just keeping kids out of drag shows. And you side with them. And here's the deciding point: who in power actually agrees with the nuts on either side?
For something that's not happening, people sure seem upset about trying to stop them from happening.
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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
So you hang around with a bunch of gay people ? Go to dinner and have family BBQ, have drag queens reading books to your kids and stuff ? Weird. I just don't run into much of that in my daily life.
Uh, yeah. I have gay people in my family. Some of my more favorite family members in fact. And I haven't taken my kids to a drag show or book reading but I would have no hesitation in doing that.
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Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Depends on what you mean by accepted. Accepted that they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect? Certainly. I'd say we're mostly already there. Certainly there are people that are unkind, and there are probably a good bit more now than there will be in 25 years, but I'm not sure people are going to be convinced that females wanting single sex spaces for changing, showering, urinating, etc. is somehow bigoted. I don't think you'll see people convinced that females shouldn't be able to have female only sports competitions. Surely you will have plenty of organizations that allow men to compete with women, and probably more commonly boys to compete with girls, but I think for competitive sports (in which I would include high school, college sports, professional, and serious amateur sports), you will still see people that think women should be able to compete with only other women. Or in sports like racing or cycling, keep separate female only standings (i.e. Josephina, knee Joe, wins the semi-open competition, Kimberly, born Kimberly, gets second in the semi-open comp and first in women's).

You’re putting the cart before the horse.

And I did say generally accepted.

The sports authorities are leaning towards science and making eligibility decisions accordingly when it comes to gender qualifications— going by testosterone levels chiefly.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
"Just from my own experience, the "Left" isn't trying to ram anything down anyone's throats. They're just asking for all people, including trans, gay, *****, black, brown, etc..., to be treated with dignity and respect. If you can't treat a trans person with dignity and respect, it says more about you and your lifestyle than it says about the trans person and their lifestyle."

There are some on the left, especially trans activists, who are going way beyond the "we just want to be respected" phase. They want complete acceptance of all their demands otherwise you just support trans genocide or something. They also want kids to have their genitals and breasts sliced off, something euphemistically called gender affirming care (a marketing genius came up with that lie). One can respect the rights of trans people to enjoy their lives without, for instance, thinking they are as female as my wife and daughters or that they should be allowed to compete in sports against girls and women. Most teens detransition. There appears to be a social dimension to this, a social contagion perhaps, where confused teens are encouraged to think they're trans rather than gay or lesbian. I'm all for acceptance of people who are different than me and for Drag Queens to entertain adults. But the left needs to acknowledge that activists are causing some of these issues.
There's lot of truth in here, but I think bias leads you to some wrong conclusions from it. Mainly, so what if there's activists on the left that are fringe? What about that is so terrible that they must be silenced? Can't we just acknowledge that there's some nuts that we can all ignore? I think the right has gone so far off base somewhere that they freak out at the existence of fringe left nuts.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
It is laughable that you would actually think this. Just on the Proud Boys front alone, there is a literal Wikipedia page (I know, I know) documenting their violence since their founding in 2016.
Reread (or just read?) the post you are responding to and then cite (even wikipedia) identifying where they have attempted to carry out any political assassination or political violence and/or caused tens of millions of dollars in damages. Who is the proud boy James Hodkinson or Nicholas Roske?

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Those infamous Hispanic gang members are infamously right wing and white supremecist.

The major company fought for having elementary school children exposed to inappropriate sexual material and also insulted gays by implying that grooming is somehow a gay issue. And they are "enacting a vendetta" by rolling back government granted privileges not available to all companies. I think it matters if the rolling back of privileges was in response to political involvement and would not have done it.

January 6th did not cause tens of millions of dollars of damages and exactly zero people were killed by rioters.

For something that's not happening, people sure seem upset about trying to stop them from happening.
Yes, there actually are Hispanic white supremacists. See there you go showing your problem, not mine. Dude, you are LITERALLY downplaying the Proud Boys. **** off you Nazi. Of course I shouldn't be surprised, you've defended them for years.

I see you either can't be honest about Disney vs Florida, or are so hopelessly deluded as make discussing it pointless.

Wrong, and yes.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
This needs to be locked up. When you bring up a subject like this one, no answer will satisfy everyone who has an opinion because the loudest people on both sides will quickly shout over them.

There's no room for discussion on topics such as this one and there won't be any time soon.

ETA - you can just look at the preceding post and see what I'm talking about.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
This needs to be locked up. When you bring up a subject like this one, no answer will satisfy everyone who has an opinion because the loudest people on both sides will quickly shout over them.

There's no room for discussion on topics such as this one and there won't be any time soon.

ETA - you can just look at the preceding post and see what I'm talking about.
I like some of your posts, but on this topic your head is fully up your @SS. I think I should be able to forcefully reply to someone downplaying the Proud Boys without being criticized for it or it being taken as evidence of impolite overall discussion, especially considering the reply to Podgy just above it, that is very civil because that person is not defending actual Nazis and traitors.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Funny how those who were triggered over real women on syrup bottles and butter packages don't understand those being triggered over a fake woman on a beer can.
Were a lot of people triggered over the syrup bottle and butter package images? Or was that a gradual change that took place over years with a slow rate of acceptance and support?
I remember when both happened a few years ago and I turned to my wife and asked 'this was really a thing? I hadnt noticed it was more than just a fringe complaint'.

I really dont remember some mass triggering from either.
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
If people can keep this from being political this could actually be an interesting discussion. To be clear, whatever marketing genius who made this decision did not do this to make a political stand. By their own admission they did it to bring in new customers. They thought by doing this they would attract younger people to drink their product. Not a great plan, obviously. The problem now is they have put themselves in a unwinnable situation. You can’t come out and make a statement about how much you regret doing it, and you can’t double down on it either. If you choose either of those options then you will only throw gasoline on one of the two separate fires you have burning. Michael Jordan caught hell for it, but he was right when he said republicans buy shoes too. It doesn’t matter whether bud light is “right” or “wrong”. They are a beer company. If they aren’t selling beer they are “wrong”. I would go so far to say that by hitting this hornet’s nest they have actually hurt the Trans movement. Just an unbelievable horrendous decision.

I have also enjoyed watching the Miller ads recently. They have stopped trying to be cute or funny. They are all but saying Miller lite is completely apolitical and will never offend you. It’s obviously not accidental.
If you think they lady who made this decision didn’t have some political thought behind it, I can’t help you.
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The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
If you aren't drinking a stout, an ale, or an ipa are you really drinking beer?

the nattys, the millers, the buds have zero flavor.

give me stout Guinness or a brown ale any day over that crap
A stout in 90 degree, 70% humidity weather is no fun. An ale is pretty meh. IPA is fine if you can handle the hops. A good Velvet Rooster
I'll knock'm back when the weather is cool. Love Guinness. Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout and Nut Brown Ale are great too.
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