If you can't recognize/admit when Franklin has made some mistakes, perhaps your years of coaching haven't provided the sage insight you think they have. Again, no one expects any coach to be perfect. But commenting on areas of possible improvement on a discussion board is one of the reasons for being here for the vast majority of us. We chest pump where things go well and point out where they don't.
Otherwise, someone like you could just post "Franklin is perfect and infallible" and we could just come out every day and like the post. But that kinda defeats the purpose, no? Also, for the record, I've never once called for Franklin's dismissal. I like him as a head coach. But I still facepalm at things under his control that happen on the gridiron sometimes.
Have you ever had a political discussion with anyone? "Hey Trump is great" or "Hey Trump is horrible", etc.? Unless you served in elected office were your opinions valid or should you have just STFU?
Have you ever had a religious discussion without the benefit of being an ordained clergyman? Is that a reasonable discussion to have or should you have just STFU?
Have you ever not liked a meal you had at a restaurant because it was too salty/spicy/bland/etc.? Are those reasonable observations to make having never attended culinary school? Or should you just STFU and eat it because the chef knows better?
Have you ever decided where your retirement portfolio should be invested? Surely not, unless you've passed the Series 7 exam, right? Otherwise, just STFU and let a professional handle it. Oh, and if you do engage a broker and a particular stock drops, STFU because they know better. And geez, ya know if they didn't put you in that stock maybe another one may have dropped even more, so they saved your butt, right?
How is being a D-1 football coach the only profession where criticism should never be allowed unless you did it professionally? It's just a silly notion.
So unless one is interested in living a milquetoast existence, criticism is a normal part of life.
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