I for one am thinking of you and your family - and especially your wife who I would have loved to meet. She is no doubt going to give you an earful about how tough you were on us Franklin skeptics. Until then - you keep being you.
Christmas was her time of year. She shopped every night after work for a month to shower our sons with gifts. Then stayed up all night to wrap each one. A mother's unconditional love is an incredible gift.
Me....I got the credit card statements on 1/1.....LOL
I met her in 7th grade and the very first time I saw her my heart jumped out of my chest. It never changed. This will be 16 without her. The world is so different and meaningless.
But, our boys now men are successful and happy and I see her legacy in them.
I can only say that if you have your spouse, hold her close and realize the things that are really important. I regret most all the wasted days we bickered about silly things. Man plans and God laughs. I thought there would always be tomorrow.