I do not seek out political news articles, so I am going to pass on your challenge. With that said, I will absolutely agree that there are fewer positive light articles about Trump by major news outlets, compared to negative or critical articles.There’s an easy way to prove media bias one way or another. Just show me the positive Trump stories from major networks other than Fox. Surely since they are independent and he received the second most votes of any candidate in history, it will be simple to link to some positive stories from CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. I can provide plenty of links for bad stories. Just give me a couple good ones. I mean after all, since they are independent and not biased, those links should be easy to provide.
With that said, I genuinely believe that the almost total lack of major news outlet articles that criticize his daily speeches, comments, accusations, claims, and threats over the past 12 months of campaigning is, in effect, positive news coverage for him.
Legitimately- lack of coverage that criticizes is effectively positive for him.
^ the lack of campaign speech coverage and criticism is a narrative that I have heard many times now on election coverage podcasts. It is not my personal first hand observation.