USMNT Thread


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
I ******* hope he can get these country club, travel team, oh, look at my lateral pass ******** to pull their ******* heads out of their asses and quit eating from the bag of marshmallows and start eating from the bag that fueled Secretariat to greatness.

It’s time to toughen up and play international soccer. You have Pulisic, build around him and make sure everyone else knows their days are numbered if they can’t put in a full 90 moving forward. Enough of Michael Bradley being the role model for these guys.

Thank you and rant over. Pirates losing, Tgar drinking, women's volleyball on deck, enjoyed grilled swordfish for dinner with grilled asparagus and grilled focaccia, time to chill but these guys have the Tgar goat until qualifying ends and they have something to brag about.……
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